Jackson Soloist Pro (USA) Reviews 4

This was my third USA Jackson Purchase, I already owned a 2 JacksonCharvel model 4`s, both US versions. I got a good deal on my soloist pro at just over £1200 about 6 or 7 years ago.

Its simply gorgeous to look at, nice simple, classy in deep metalic grey, almost black. The through neck is very flat at the fretboard making for very fast playing and great sustain. The power output is huge. The whole thing is a lovely balance.

There are only 2 things I don`t like about my Soloist Pro. 1:- The volume knob gets in the way, if you are playing with the pot turned down you are constantly catching it with your finger thus adjusting your sound. 2:- Its made by jackson, yes their guitars (the older ones and the USA models) are great, but when it comes to support, help, contact etc they are totaly useless. I have sent them post and email for years now with questions etc.. and nothing, I will never purchase another Jackson and simply for this reason its worth bearing mind if you choose to buy a Jackson, you will have a superb guitar but no support.

The build of the Soloist Pro is superb, its weighted perfectly, the guitar itself is heavy the way I like them. every part of it has been thought about and assembled in the best way (except for the volume knob). It has been built to look elegant but take some stick and it easily does both.

If you are looking for a good alround guitar thats easy to play and take you to new levels then this guitar is for you but if you like me feel that you would like some support from the company who made it then Jackson falls very short on this. Like I said, I wouldn`t buy another one but at the same time I would never ever part with mine.

Damian Kent rated this unit 4 on 2001-12-18.

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